Back in the day when I was still a classroom teacher I loved pulling out the shaving cream. The kids always looked at me like I had gone mad. They couldn't believe it - shaving cream during spelling time. Of course! It was perfect for practicing our spelling/site words, working on fine motor skills, and cleaning our desks. It always ended with happy kids, clean desks, a fresh smelling classroom, and a smiling teacher!
I hadn't pulled out the shaving cream with my two yet and with our new easel, thought it was about time. I figured we could use the shaving cream as "paint" for Sassy Sis' new easel.
(See post here.)
First, I squirted shaving cream in a 6 hole muffin pan. Then I added a few drops of food coloring to each container. ( If you don't want died hands use liquid water color.) It was perfect - a palate of shaving cream "paint".
The kids went to town. They loved painting right on the easel.
They thought it was pretty funny to see each other through the "window"......
When they were done with a scene or needed more room, we just hosed down the easel and started painting again. Masterpieces were created over and over again.
After painting, we decided to play a bit more with our shaving cream. It was perfect for driving our cars into and the Owl spent a considerable amount of time with the tray of shaving cream.
Now that I'm reminded how much fun playing with shaving cream can be I think we'll have to try out some of these fabulous shaving cream ideas:
Little Wonders Days shows a step by step tutorial to make these shaving cream eggs here. Easter is over, but I think we'll use the same technique to make some spring flowers or
umbrellas or leaves in the fall!
I Can Teach My Child has a shaving cream cloud activity that is perfect for after reading Eric Carle's Little Cloud.
Happy Hooligans has a great car wash activity that I know both of my little two would love!