Today we hiked Locke's Hill. It is in Gilford and part of the Kimball Wildlife Forest. It is well known in these parts as a good family hike. Locke's Hill is sign posted off of Rt 11. There is a mailbox in the parking lot for trail maps. The Owl is ALL about maps these days.
Map in hand and we're off.
We started out of the parking lot on the Quarry Trail. The trail follows an old road that leads to the quarry for the old Kimball Castle. It is rocky and the dead fallen leaves make it slippery, but even Sassy Sis was able to do it. Of course, she had to jump on EVERY single rock along the way which made for a very slow climb.
While waiting for Sassy Sis to catch up Owl and his friend found some rocks of their own to climb atop!
Once at the top of the hill - with views to the Locke's Hill Beacon you continue back into the woods, following the blue blazes of the Lake View Trail, until you come to a clearing with this beautiful view and some extra special places to eat your lunch.
The rock chairs here are the PERFECT place to pick your throne and have a snack or midday meal.
You've completed about 2/3 of the hike by this point so it is a perfect resting spot and the little ones think the chairs are the coolest thing ever.
After the rock chairs it isn't that much longer back to the parking lot. This part of the trail though is the steepest and rockiest. It does have switchbacks which help you make your way back down to parking lot.
The Owl and his friend walked the whole trail, about 2 miles, no problem. Sassy Sis, even though she was able to walk the trail, was finally put in the trusted Ergo since her pace was just way too slow, about 1/2 way up.
It was a beautiful day to spend outdoors on a fun hike, perfect for preschoolers!
Happy Trails!