Friday, January 13, 2012

Letter S Activities ( Part One)

This week we've been focusing on the letter S with many S is for snowman activities. I like to incorporate as many different activities as I can in our letter studies.

Confessions of a Homeschooler is one of my favorite blogs to follow and where I found these resources. At the beginning of the month I try to organize all of my materials ( a post to follow). I decide on our letters/themes, find and print resources, laminate them and then after a night or two focused on prepping school work, most of the work is done for the month.

Owl has been enjoying his S activities even during a week of having the Stomach bug.....

Sorting uppercase and lowercase S.

S is for Snowman Puzzle
( Now Owl makes these on his own however, you can print out two of these - cut one into pieces and keep one whole to use as a matching game.)

Now sometimes you have to wear your Santa jammies and your ski helmet while doing your school work.....I mean we are studying the letter "S" right?

Using our do-a-dots Owl marked each "s" on sheet.

Ordering snowman from largest to smallest and smallest to largest.
( When Owl was younger I would only give him 3-4 cards at a time)

Color match sheet - identifying colors and matching.

The resources you can find online for preschool printables is AMAZING! Check out my Pinterest board: Preschool Printables for tons of free materials you can print off at home!

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