Sunday, January 1, 2012


Snow Angels and Puddle Jumping - two activities both of my little ones love to do! As a former elementary classroom teacher turned SAHM I'm trying to harness my little ones' energy, zest for life and curiosity into fun/educational learning experiences. 12+ years of classroom experience hasn't prepared me totally for being an"At-Home" teacher, but I did still have a few tricks up my sleeve that I've come to rely on! Most of my inspiration comes from other blogs and mamas. During my first student-teacher experience, my host teacher told me: "You don't have to recreate the wheel all the time. It is ok to beg, borrow, or steal ideas." And that is what I've been doing for the past couple
of years - with some of my original ideas thrown in here or there.
I've started this blog for many reasons: to share my ideas so other mamas can see you can be your child's first teacher, to chronicle the learning that is happening with my two little ones, and to hold me accountable with what I'm attempting to teach them!

Meet my charges:

The Wise OWL:

Owl is 3 ( 9/08).
ALL boy - fearless, yet tenderhearted.
Expert on trucks, tractors, and trains.
Amazing memory as he takes in every last detail of every experience.
Curious how EVERYTHING works.
Jumping, hiking, swimming, listening to mama read stories, being outdoors, always on the move.
A one man band who loves music and entertains us all with his singing and dancing.

Sassy Sis:

Sassy Sis is 21 months old ( 3/10)

The little sister who wants to do EVERYTHING her big brother does.
Cute as a button and sassy!
Loves her babies almost as much as her brother tractors and trains.
Can be found sitting in a corner "reading" books to her babies.
Sings happily around the house.
Always has an opinion on the matter.
A cuddlier so sweet...with NO fear!

I'll be trying my best to post daily all of our learning experiences - those planned and those that just happen, the winners and the flops. Feel free to comment!


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